Guild has to benefit from you, and you have to benefit from the guild. We focus on heroic raids coupled with some mythic raid bosses or even whole raids. We expect everyone to participate on non-progressive parts of raids. If you don't participate on non-progressive (also called farm boss) raids, don't expect an invite for progression raids.Raid Schedule:
- Tuesday (08:00 - 12:00 est)
- Wednesday (08:00 - 12:00 est)
- Thursday (08:00 - 12:00 est)
- Friday (08:00 - 12:00 est)
We expect members to sign in to raids. Accept or decline, whatever works better for you. But choose something. If you accept raid invite, show up in time - 15 minutes before raid start will do.
Raid Invites:
- 15 minutes before raid start time everyone who has accepted or tentatively accepted the calendar event will be invited
- 10 minutes before raid start time everyone who has accepted or tentatively accepted it but shows up late will be invited providing there is room in the raid
- 5 minutes before raid start time rest of the people online will have chance to get in the raid provided there is room for extra players
Raid Behavior:Do not expect a summon, it is your responsibility to be there in time. If you want to join the raid, know tactics beforehand or you may be told to go back reading and try joining next time. Some additional tactics may be explained in raids, and tactics explained by the raid leader will be followed. If you have questions, express those to raid leader directly.
Keep damage / heal meters to yourself. It is ok to want to know how you perform, but we do take statistics from raids and statistics are generally more liable than addon information. We do not want any important information to be lost in raids among long lists of addon spam.
If we have more people signing up for the raids than there are spots, rolling may be called for to decide who stand out and who stay. We use rotation as well, so if you are asked to step aside from a raid some day, chances are that you will fit in next time.
Guild Raids vs Group Finder Premade Raids:Equilibrium guild members can join premade raids in Group Finder tool (and any premade none Fogey guild raids) with the following restrictions::
- Members can join any type of raids on any difficulty with their ALT characters without restrictions
- MAIN raider characters in the guild are forbidden to join raids in the LFG tool (and any premade non Equilibrium organized raids) with the following exceptions:
- Bosses on the actual difficulty level which were already killed on a Equilibrium raid during the same week (raid reset)
- Bosses which were left out on the actual difficulty level during the week due to the extend of the raid lockout
- Any bosses from previous raid tiers (including lower difficulty levels of the actual tier where the last boss was already defeated by the Guild as a group)